Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a glorious Christmas filled with family, love and memories. For the New Year I like this quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

I have finally got around to writing about the Alert Lion Project, but I'm finding these blogs take such a lot of time to write, then I have to go to my Flickr page, find the pictures I want (of course I uploaded them all and now there is no easy way to download them again) and it seems to be taking me about 2 - 4 hours for each blog; so please bear with me, I got the pictures download this evening, have the blog written, just need to put it all together, which takes a good amount of time itself, fiddling here with Blogger and trying to get things into the spots you want. Coming soon!

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