Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept. letter from Nikki & I passed First Aid

On Friday, Sept. 26th, we received a new letter from Nikki. We still didn't get the lost picture of his grandmother and him though. Hopefully they will find it and pass it along. We sent him a book on people of the world for his birthday in April and it looks like he has just received it! Poor boy probably thought we were not acknowledging his birthday. I thought it would be fun to scan it and post it here for all to see. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

After a grueling 16 hrs. I am now certified in Standard First Aid and CPR! We had 4 - 4 hour sessions, which seemed awful long and a lot to process for this old brain that hasn't been in school for 30 odd years! Learning the CPR was great and I found that most of the first aid training was rather common sense to me. The simulations were rather nerve racking and it seemed as soon as you walked into the room the memory of what you were suppose to be doing went right out the window; but, I must of got it right to pass. I had to do an arm amputation, hypothermia, heart attack, and perform CPR on someone suffering for gas poisoning. I'm just worried that if a time comes when I will be called upon to use any of it I will totally go blank. Let's hope not.
I have also spent the last 4 days, about 34 hrs, helping an old friend reno a basement suite. I built and drywalled my first wall! I think I spent about 16 of those hours with a crowbar in my hand. I had a lot of fun doing it too, but I think my friend was a little concerned with what I was up to! I use to do a lot of mucking about with small projects, but it's been awhile since I've had a chance to do anything to this extent. We have a long way to go to get it finished, but what great experience it is to refresh old knowledge, and who knows, it may come in handy, depending on where and what I will be asked to do in South Africa.

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