Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Monday, April 5, 2010

On with the show!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't written anything since the end of Feb.! I ended up getting pretty sick there for awhile. Had a major cold, which in turn developed into this throat infection, where I could hardly eat or drink anything for over 2 weeks, without choking. Ended up going to the doctor's twice, the clinic once and then my doctor sent me to emergency at Vic. Gen. where they in turn sent me to emergency at the Jubilee, where I finally saw an ear nose and throat doctor. I had used an inhaler for what I thought was chest congestion during my cold, and that had caused a thrush (yeast) infection in my throat. Ended up having my nose scoped twice ( which wasn't to bad) and my stomach (which was a horrible experience and not something I want to do again soon). The doctor also discovered that I have a partially paralyzed vocal chord (I think that dates back for years) and I have to have a CT scan on the 20th. But, the good news is, I am feeling almost 100% again, which is wonderful, as I leave for Zambia in just over a month!
Even with feeling ill, I managed to get a bit of a job through a friend, who had a friend needing help to do a bit of renovating in her bathroom. Managed to earn a bit towards the fares of the trip, doing that. Have still been collecting
bottles from all the kind residents of the complex where I live and held a 'Cheesecake Fund-raiser' last weekend to which about 20 friends, family and neighbours came. Was wonderful to see everyone and get a little bit of a chance to tell about what we would be doing on this year adventure.
There have been a couple of
web-conference calls showing us the new web-site the the World Vision team is putting together for our blogging.Here's a sneak preview of what it will look like. They're working so hard to get it up and running for the first group who leave for Bangladesh this Friday! They hope to have us able to use it by Thursday and then the grand launch is planned for April 12th. You'll be able to access the web-site then at
don't worry, you don't have to be a child sponsor (though that would be wonderful
) to access the site and read the blogs, see the pictures etc. but if you want to join in discussions or ask questions you will have to join the page, much like Facebook. Please be patient though, as I'm sure there will still be bugs to be worked out with the new site.
I have signed and sent in all my forms to WV, such as my police check ( I'm not wanted anywhere), acknowledging there will be no ransom paid if I'm kidnapped (poor Tom), etc. Right now I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for my passport and visa to arrive back from the Zambian Consulate. Can't travel
without that passport! I've even manged to book lounge passes in Jo'burg this year, which will give me access to showers, so I won't be such a stinky person when I arrive in Livingstone. My flight this year leaves right from Victoria, straight through to Heathrow, where I have a 5 hour layover, then to Jo'burg and a 7 hour layover, and on to Livingstone, Zambia.
I have a new sponsor child, a little boy named Velody who lives in the Kalomo Area Development Project; I haven't scanned his picture yet, so will include it next time. Unfortunately the person who was going to sponsor the other child that I need to find a sponsor for, a little girl named Jane, has had to cancel, as her job was cut back. I'm working hard to find another sponsor for her. It will be exciting to meet them both and hopefully their families. We will actually be staying in Kalomo, I've been told, so this year we won't have to spend so much time traveling. There will be 9 of us again this year, from across Canada and our World Vision leader this year will be Maria. Most of the folks I'll be traveling and living with for the 2 weeks are on Facebook, so it's been really fun getting to know everyone and being able to put faces to names, before actually meeting. I've even met a couple of the people going on the Bangladesh trip, through Facebook and on some WV Volunteer conference calls. I'm really starting to feel like part of the extended WV family!
I had the most wonderful email last month from
Sayinile, the manager of the Umvoti Project we visited last year. It was such a thrill to hear from her and how well things are progressing in Umvoti.

Hi Donna
How are you it is good to know that we have friend overseas and we are constantly reminded of the wonderful time we had with you. I ma writing to extend my gratitude of your work, i received the CD with slides and the letter. We are all happy to hear from you. Actually i got the letter in January it was just that i have been very busy. I am sorry about that. Other than that we want to thank all of you the volunteers who have done wonderful work in getting more Canadians to support children of Umvoti. Since your visit we have noticed the increased number of sponsors who want to sponsor children and when i look back i realize that your visit really had an impact and i know that you continue to motivate other to sponsor children. Today we have about 1100 children that have sponsors and when you came there were like 300, oh what an impact you see!!. I am not in contact with most of the volunteers but if you do get hold of them extend my appreciation.
I always pray to God for all the people like you and please do come and visit us when ever you get time!!! The Soccer World Cup is close-by and the atmosphere is electrifying children are asking if their sponsors will come to SA to be part of this wonderful and prestigious event first of its kind in the African Soil
All the best my Love and stay Blessed

World Vision has been working hard to set up new sites so sponsors can see what is happening in the communities where their children are located. Umvoti is not yet set up, but you can visit KwaMapamulo, where Nikki lives and see and read about the difference sponsorship is making there.
This is the first time Canadian sponsors have had web access to stories about their sponsored children's communities. Getting there is easy, and from there you can visit and learn about other communities through the links.
Off to the right you can click a short video and you'll see Mummsie, who works at the KMP office and is such a remarkable youg woman .
I had my phone interview with the ANIR Group and was looking forward with real anticipation to the Haiti project in July, but received an email Sat. night that the trip has to be postponed.

Haiti will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes of devastation, but it will take years for this to be accomplished. At this moment, Haiti is a Catch-22 because of the level of urgency and need but there are stumbling blocks, lots of them. The US State Department stresses that the NGO’s that are already in place in Haiti are over supplied with volunteers, both skilled and unskilled, and that particularly unskilled volunteers are creating a burden on the already weakened infrastructure. There is a lot to do in Haiti, but the volunteer system is not running smoothly yet.

At this moment, our planned trip to Haiti is on hold. We have concerns about the infrastructure being able to support additional internationals, especially those who are not specialists and/or do not speak French or Creole. As soon as we feel there is a real fit for Anir, we will be on our way. At this moment, the first line looks like it will be site prep for building.

They will be in Zambia in July, and it would have been a wonderful experience to be able to stay and see what a more hands on project, like building would have been like, but the month in between the two trips was just to long to try and stay over. I think I may try and go to South Africa with them next year. I'd really like to experience what they do.

That's about all for now, won't take so long between posts, now that things are starting to move along and I'm feeling better. I still have to tell about the most recent letter from Nikki and post the pictures from them. So till next time, Sala kahle.

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