Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Friday, October 7, 2011


It's coming in dribs and drabs, but it's all coming together. Finally got my e-tickets for flights today and my Insurance policy! Stoked! This evening I was finally able to finish filling out the booking forms for the 3 projects...hmmm, can they turn me down because of my answers, even though I've made a deposit? I just detest filling in forms that ask questions like... 
          How do you hope to be an asset to the project in terms of your talents and abilities?
          What do you hope you will gain or achieve by taking part in this placement?
          Please describe your reasons for wishing to be involved in your project of choice.
Takes me absolute hours to fill in these types of things, after all, I want to sound like a reasonably intelligent adult that has a grasp of how to write a sentence that tells them I have a half a brain, at least.
I still need my medical form filled in by my doctor (that hopefully will happen on Thursday coming) saying I am fit to travel and not mentally unstable.That last one could be a bit of a stretch, eh? Once you answer yes to the fact that you take any medication or are over 60 you need to have this filled out, cuse you know, 60 seems to be that magic number, where people seem to think you start to fall apart.
I've received 2 of my letters of Welcome (needed to get a Zambian Visa). Just waiting on one form from the ADP, which can't be written until WV Head Office puts things into gear, and they can't do that until my Police Records check is finished (the old one expired). I had expected that in hand by now, but so it goes. As soon as that comes through, then more forms will be filled in and sent off. Visa's can be expensive...$80.00 for entry, then you need to send it registered mail, along with a registered mail return envelope; that's getting up close to the hundred dollar mark, right there. Heaven forbid, you should make a mistake on the form and have to re-do it, the thought makes me shudder!
My Volunteer Coordinator in Vancouver for World Vision has just emailed and said she received the folders for the children I was asking for, so my bank manager can pick a child to sponsor in one of the areas I will be visiting between projects, as we're hoping I will be able to visit for her as well. That's always an amazing experience, to be able to meet and tell a child that they are now part of the child sponsorship program and present them with a picture and small gifts from their new sponsor. The looks on they're faces remain with me and bring me such joy.
I thought I might have found a part-time job, but it seems that most jobs now, where you are in contact with food or liquor, you need this 'Serving it Right' course (at $100.00 a pop). I guess 10 years of bartending and and many, many years of life experience and common sense don't count for much anymore. My poor husband Tom thought of going back into car sales to try and help our income a bit (he was in sales for over 35 years) and finds he too, now needs a $400.00 course to tell him how to sell cars! Is this just a new way for our Government to make even more money off us? Thank goodness all you wonderful people are supporting the Dolly Project! Don't know where I'd be without you all!
Speaking of the Dolly's, I just finished another 24 of the little cuties. Was looking through my stash of flannels and saw I had quite a few scraps of that left, so for a change of pace, I've decided to make a few crib blankets to take along (providing I have room). Will post some pictures of those when their finished. Not really anything special, or colour coordinated, but I'm sure they will be appreciated.
Have been spending even more time trying to find somewhere to get medical equipment that the projects would like to have. Does anyone know where old Stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs go to die? Also been trying to do reading on dealing with HIV/AIDS patients. I'd like to be as much help as possiblewhen I arrive, but there doesn't seem to be much available that will help, especially as I am a visual learner and really need to be shown how things work, to get the full understanding. Reading text books just baffles my brain.
Was excited to see on The Livingstone FB page articles about volunteers visiting the "Old People Home' in Livingstone. I'm looking forward to this, but wonder if some of the older folks will have any resentment for their treatment during colonization. I feel apprehensive and like I should apologise to everyone one of them.
Check out some of the pictures of the celebration they just had.!/media/set/?set=a.277168822297479.86899.209003329114029&type=3

You can check out some of the pictures from the St. Lucia Project here:!/photo.php?fbid=10150288557371699&set=a.10150274954216699.330523.110602021698&type=3&theater

Guess that's about all that's new for now. Stay turned for mosre updates soon.

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