Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Monday, October 3, 2011

More done

It somehow seemed like a crazy week, but sitting here looking back, I can't remember why! Is that old age catching up? Let's see, I had a job interview on Monday, but they were looking for someone who could work at times not convenient for bad. Oh no, wait, that was last week! Monday I met up with a girlfriend I grew up with and who I haven't seen in over 30 years! It was amazing to catch up on how our lives have changed over the years. Tuesday was my day at the Lodge to volunteer, Wednesday I said yes to my flight itinerary and went to the bank to get a money order to mail in for the payment. Can anyone explain why all of a sudden everyone is charging an extra 4% if you use your credit card to pay for things! How am I suppose to get those much needed air miles points....I thought the idea of the credit card was to make paying for things easier, but it seems everyone is against them now. Even had to pay through PayPal for the Projects, for the same reason, might as well cancel the card, it seems of no use anymore! Oh yeah, went for my yearly blood work on Monday as well, and already the doctor wants to see me about them...oops. Guess not being able to afford prescriptions last year has caused a bit of a problem. Friday, Friday, Friday...can't even remember! Sat. had to take one of the sisters to work and give her a hand, as her car broke down. Today was spent working on dolly's. So tomorrow is off to the doctor's, after I pick up the sister again and drop her at work, then run back to pick her up, drive her home, then back to pick up hubby from work so he can get to his volunteer job at the end of the day. Probably doesn't sound like much to all you who work hard all day, but as most of my appointments aren't till late afternoons, it kinda mess's  up the day to get much else done.
Anyway, back on to trip info. Managed to find a B & B in Kalomo that I have booked. When the gentleman answered my query he had a link to his FB page, so I checked it out and noticed that he was friends with 2 of the people I met at the ADP last year, so figured he must be ok, and so hopefully, will be his Guest House

Best of all, they have Internet! Of course, it has to be working, which we know is intermittent at best, but maybe I'll be ale to get a few messages out. I sent WV head office all my info on visiting my kids, as well as my friends child and everything is in the works there. Looking good so far, still awaiting the Police Records check, which should be in this week. Now that I have my flights arranged and where I will be staying, I can apply for my Zambian Visa. Oops again, I need a letter of welcome from the Livingstone Medical/Community team first, then I can apply. I did send an email, so hopefully that will come this week. Don't know if I mentioned one of my dearest friends was thinking about joining me for the last 3 weeks of the trip, I was really hoping she would decide to come, but has changed her mind, which is a disappointment. I was really looking forward to having her along with me, but each to their own. I thought of a little brow-beating, but decided it wasn't really fair to try and force her, after all it is a very big expense and I know she doesn't have a lot of extra cash either. Spent a few late evenings trying to learn more about cell phones and SIM cards. Yes, I'm a neophyte when it comes to cell phones! But,  I got to thinking that it probably was not a good idea to be hopping on buses to Kalomo or driving in SA without one, in case of emergency. I sussed out in 2009, it may not be totally safe to stop and ask directions from folks on the side of the road. It looks like my very old and decrepit PetroCan phone will do the trick. Doesn't seem to be locked or any of those other things they mention, so I'm hoping I will be able to purchase SIM cards in Zambia and SA with just enough time on them to make emergency calls if needed. That certainly made Tom feel a little more at ease. Then I got looking into Eco friendly stoves. My Sponsor child in KMP had one of the family huts burn down recently, which I would assume was due to sparks from the cooking fires. Hmmm, I thought I wonder if one of these ones I have been hearing about would make a good gift for the family. I found an very interesting company  and was actually able to Skype with the gentleman out of Seattle the other night about them. Turns out that they have a distributor in SA (who is actually a friend of a friend) and I may be able to get one sent to St. Lucia that I could take with me when I visit with Nikki.
I hope this would enable them to have an easier time making meals (these stoves use very little wood and there is very little smoke from them, both a boost to health),  no sparks to fly away and start fires etc. I'm considering trying to pick one up from the US border to take for Velody's family in Zambia, but I'm not sure I would have the room to take it with me.
I've also been on a search and seek mission on where to find used medical equipment. The medical projects ask that if you would like to bring things to help,  what would be the most use would be things like Stethoscopes / thermometers / blood pressure cuffs, but haven't been having much luck finding anywhere that you can get them donated. If anyone knows of somewhere, or runs across a website, please be sure to let me know.
Can't think of much else to pass on right now, so will cut this off.
Let me know in the comment sections if there are any questions you have about the trip or anything else you'd like more info on. It will give me more ideas to write about, that you might find more interesting. Hope everyone has an amazingly awesome week.
Me cuddling with yet more Dolly's for the children.
Have just over 100 made so far.
When and if I reach my 200 mark, I think I'll check out my  leftover flannel collection and see if I can make a few crib blankets.

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