Dollies for Tanzania

Dollies for Tanzania
newest Dollies

How it works

I am in the process of making dollies to take to the children I will be meeting on the World Vision Tanzania Volunteer Trip in September 2016. I’m asking friends to ‘sponsor’ a dolly for $20.00.
The doll’s are hand made by me, some will have embroidered faces and, as we will be visiting some Muslim communities I have also been making what I hope are appropriate dolls for the Muslim children.
They not only have a heart to show we care, but proudly display a Canadian flag on the back.
How it works -
If you would like to participate by ‘sponsoring’ a dolly, or even just making a donation, you can e-transfer the money to me through your bank or donate through the PayPal button located on my blog at :
If you wish you can let me know which type of doll you’d like and if you prefer a boy or a girl. If you would like, I can attach a small gift card where I will be able to write a short message from you to the child.
I can also email you a picture or pictures of your dolls if you wish.
Thank-you in advance or your support.

Dollies for Tanzania

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dolly Donations helped more than expected

You may remember I have mentioned a few times about my friend Kathy and what she was in the process of doing for the Munkolo Rural Clinic, after my post on FB, while I was in Kalomo. Well, the things have arrived and she forwarded this email to me, that she had just received thanking her. It's an inspiring gift of love, what she has done and we get to celebrate with her because of your generosity, and how your dolly donations have reached farther than any of us expected. I'll just re-cap for you....
Through your generosity, you of course know you helped me to arrive in Zambia, where I was once again able to visit my World Vision sponsor child in Kalomo, before starting my volunteer service in Livingstone. On the day I visited Velody we also stopped at the Munkolo Rural Health Clinic in the community; this was a second visit there for me, as well. My first visit was in 2010, while with the World Vision group. On that first visit a lady who has become a good friend, Kathy Munkley (from Ontario), donated funds to purchase a baby scale for the clinic. I didn’t know if Kathy had actually seen the scale that purchased on her behalf, so while there I had a picture of myself taken with the scale so I could post it to Kathy on Facebook. I also posted a picture of myself handing over a stethoscope, gloves and some medication to the male nurse on this visit and made a comment about how grateful they were at the Clinic, as they had never had a stethoscope, nor did they have a blood pressure monitoring machine. Kathy was just as amazed as I about this (we understood on the previous visit that the Clinic lacked many necessities, but thought that it being a government clinic this would not remain a problem for long…wrong!) and immediately took it upon herself to make a difference by trying to get together a bit of what they needed. She started by asking the WV Office for a wish list from the Clinic and collecting funds towards purchasing some of the items, as well as sending a parcel of some of the needed items.

To cut this short, the package she sent arrived a few weeks ago and today she sent me the following letter she had received. I want to thank everyone for your help in getting me to Zambia, because, without my visit and those few short words on Facebook, this wondrous help from Kathy and friends, would never have occurred.

To: The Programme Manager

From: Chrispine XXXXX –CDW-Munkolo

Date: 6th August, 2012


I kindly write to inform you that the items that have long been waited from Katherine Munkley have finally been received and have even been given out to Munkolo Rural Health Centre. This was a special gift to the institute as it contained mostly items that the clinic has always struggled to obtain. We like to say God has heard the cry of both the Nurse in Charge and the community at large.

In regard to this we feel that the donor deserves a very big thank you. Upon receipt the box was opened and the following were the items received:
-Adhesive Bandages

-Cotton Bandages

-A tin of Acetaminophen Tablets

- A tin of Aspirin Tablets

-BP Machines

-Stethoscopes. ETC.

In addition more items were also bought from the money Katherine sent earlier to the same clinic.
These items will contribute to the well being of the community. For instant, during the hand over of the same items, one expecting mother had the opportunity to have blood pressure checked right away by the Nurse in Charge. In other words this gift has come to make the life of the Munkolo Community better.

World Vision Staff handing over items sent Katherine Munkley. The Nurse in charge receiving standing scales bought from the money sent Katherine Munkley.

Your contribution has added value to our pharmacy as well as promoting good health to the community

Austin, one of the assistants to the nurse happy to receive the equipment which he also feels will make their work easier. ‘Life is precious, if we can have someone who stretches her hand all the way from overseas (Canada) to here (Zambia –Munkolo to be specific) we really have to see that we are gifted and we are grateful for that.

Mothers can now be weighed on regular bases using the new scales

Children also have access to being weighed on weekly bases

Even the male parents enjoy knowing their weight

The nurse sharing a Health talk with some mothers on the importance of weight and health to growing babies.

Each ward and office allocated with a standing scale
The community equally say thank you to the money which was received through the World Vision Office –Kalomo Central ADP. As per the requirement, surely the items were bought in terms of standing scales and the reagents. This will definitely ease the work of the nurse who will in turn help our community to have good life. Before the items were bought it was difficult to know the weight of both adults and children but now all is going on well. Children are allocated with their own scale and also the adults. Above all, all the wards have been allocated with a scale each. The urinary reagents will be used for any other ailment diagnosis.

The community is really grateful for the efforts of Munkley and the entire donor community for donation given to Munkolo Rural Health Centre

So you see, it not just Kathy’s hands reaching across the ocean, it was all of you too…reaching out to give comfort and joy to many who are in need.


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